Monday 4 August 2008

Fibromyalgia- an holistic answer


Being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia is one thing but finding an holistic answer that helps is another!

There are lots & lots of well-meaning and informative books & sites out there and they are all very helpful & should be read. Being well-informed is vital.

A guaranteed cure is still elusive and so any and every bit of useful information is welcomed.

I read all that comes out, but I also do my own research as I believe that it’s important to take responsibility for your own health.

So welcome to my research for a holistic answer to Fibromyalgia.

I’m concentrating on the Bach flower remedies but there are also flower essences, bush flower essences and similar preparations in the shops.

Bach flower remedies work on our limbic system – which is also known as our ‘emotional switchboard’. This limbic system is linked to the caudate nuclei region of the brain which deals with our pain-regulating functions. The chronic pain that is a large part of Fibromyalgia is particularly draining so I thought that tackling this issue that affects many Fibromyalgia sufferers would be a good place to start.

The remedies can be bought from all good Health shops & chemists and are very easy to use. They won’t break the bank either!

I‘ve chosen the 4 remedies that have helped me the most (there are 38 to choose from altogether)


This remedy is very good at stopping you from being fearful about being chronically ill. With Fibromyalgia the symptoms can sometimes resemble heart attack symptoms and although you know you’ve been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and it’s unlikely that you’re having a heart attack, “what if?” still gnaws away at you. This will help-- trust me.

The remedy brings runaway emotions under control and gives you the courage to face life’s problems.


This is a remedy to take when you can’t ease the feelings of impatience about getting better. The nervous tension that builds up because of this then has an adverse effect on your Fibromyalgia-- that old vicious circle thing!

This remedy helps you become more relaxed. It will allow you to discover new depths of patience and tolerance.


This is a remedy to take at the times when you feel as if you will never get better and we’ve all been there haven’t we?

It can’t work miracles; but what it does do is that it gives you a sense of detachment, so that you can plan ahead unhindered by the despair that accompanies all chronic conditions.

An excellent natural cure for the despair often associated with Fibromyalgia.

This is a remedy for people who suffer from vague fears and apprehensions--often fear of the unknown.

As a sufferer of Fibromyalgia I know this feeling. Often, normally when something really exciting or pleasurable is coming up, I get the foreboding of ‘Oh I hope I’ll be well & that my pains or tiredness don’t spoil the day for myself or others.’ Then I’ll get cross with myself that I’m even thinking like that and so the stress begins and ultimately more pains etc as stress exacerbates the fibromyalgia condition!

Taking Aspen helps restore confidence in the powers of good. As the anxiety fades, the heightened receptivity that makes people like us so open to irrational fears is re-directed into more positive channels. This natural cure for Fibromyalgia is a favourite of mine & I strongly recommend it.

Well, that’s the last holistic answer for Fibromyalgia for now- hope one helps you & your symptoms.

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